Five tips for effective learning

Learning is necessary for your self-development, and for your growth within your company. At the same time, it’s also important for the growth of your organisation itself. But learning is difficult and time always in short supply.

You might be watching the odd webinar here and there, but are you getting anything out of it? We’ve put together some tips to help you achieve your goals and get the most out of your learning experience.

Learning tip 1: Make a plan

It is important that you schedule time to learn otherwise it’s never going to happen, whatever your intentions! Block out time in your calendar when you’re most productive – preferably when things are quieter in your work week or when you have fewer meetings. Split your learning into parts – one long learning stint is sure to demotivate you – and decide upfront which parts you’re going to be studying when.

Learning tip 2: Choose a buddy

You don’t always have to learn alone. If it helps, find someone to work with you on a specific learning objective. This way you can help each other, but also motivate each other throughout the learning process. Coordinate your schedule with your buddy and meet weekly or biweekly to discuss progress and topics learned. And don’t forget to plan a festive celebration or spoil when you’ve both completed the course!

Learning tip 3: Make sure your environment is 'learning proof'

If recent times have taught us anything, it’s that a conducive environment is crucial to concentrate. While learning, make sure you choose one where distractions are kept to a minimum and where you can sit comfortably. This may be in the home office for some, but in the garden for others.

Nowadays we are used to being constantly bombarded by our phones and laptops. This can be a massive disruption, so make sure your phone is on silent and close your email. If necessary, inform those around you that you will not be available for a while.

Learning tip 4: Take notes

Research has shown that you remember better when you take notes while learning. By taking notes you repeat, deepen and structure the material you’re hearing or reading. Besides helping you to better understand and remember the material, it’s also then easier to quickly read through later or share with others.

Did you know that you make the best notes by:

  • Writing in keywords
  • Choosing your own words or paraphrasing instead of quoting
  • Immediately noting action points to pick up on

Learning tip 5: Put it into practice

You have only really learned something new if you can also explain it to someone else. Share your knowledge with your buddy or other employees so that you can test whether you have understood everything. Also think about how you will apply what you have learned in ‘the real world’. Be sure to look back at what you’ve learned and see how it fits into your work day and work commitments. Make it as specific as possible, for example, if you’ve learned a new model of time management, use it in your everyday life.

Are you ready to start learning and developing right away? At SkillsTown we offer more than 100 online training courses in the fields of professional and personal development. Learn to communicate effectively, manage your time better or start a digital photography course – we have something for everyone. Get in touch with us today for more information and a free demo.

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