Why digital security is so important

Digital threats can be devastating, and they’re on the rise. Read on to see what your employees need to know when it comes to protecting themselves, their data, and your organisation.

Work-from-home data leaks

A data breach involves destruction, loss, alteration, or sharing of personal data without the intention of doing so. A data breach occurs when sensitive personal data ends up in a place where it shouldn’t be.

Most data breaches are caused by human error. The number of data breaches has therefore increased sharply since working from home became the new normal – in fact, by 30% in 2020 alone. When the pandemic hit, companies had to move quickly to online ways of working and collaborating, often without properly secured systems or storage solutions.

Consequences of phishing

One in five companies are faced with a cyber-attack (such as phishing) every year. These are criminals who send an e-mail from an e-mail address that may be very similar to that of a colleague or supervisor. And it doesn’t matter how highly educated your employees are, it’s hard to identify and can happen very quickly. The consequences of this can be personal, for example your bank account being emptied, or software can be installed that shuts down your entire organisation.

Damage to reputation and trust

Business systems are full of sensitive data. A data breach can therefore have major consequences when it comes to your reputation. And if it’s revealed that you have had a security incident, indirect damage also occurs. Think of the loss of loyal customers and potential new customers you might have, if they know that their personal information has been compromised.

The solution

When employees are not aware of dangers and consequences, things can go very wrong, very quickly, so it’s up to you, the employer, to ensure that they are. Make sure your employees have the right knowledge and tools to work safely and securely from home, and to revisit old and new threats with them on a regular basis. It’s a constantly evolving minefield, but one that needs to be tackled together!

Digital security is just one of the many topics of learning we offer on our employee experience platform. Contact us today for a free demo.

Prefer direct contact?

Kevin or one of his colleagues will be happy to help you.

By phone: +27 83 675 9113
By e-mail: info@skillstown.co.za

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